Galicica National Park
Hiking trails in Galicica and general informations about Ohrid & Prespa region
History of National Park Galicica
Galicica, we can say that is one of the most attractive destinations for everyone who want a little bit of different adventure. Situated between two largest lakes in Macedonia, Ohrid and Prespa lake.
Galicica National Park, recognized for its rich and rare nature and unique beauty, was declared a national park in 1958 in order to preserve the flora and fauna and the natural appearance of Mount Galicicaa. About 2/3 of the Park is included in the boundaries of the World Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Ohrid region, inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List.
Galičica (Macedonian: Галичица is a mountain situated across the border between North Macedonia and Albania. It stretches over an area of 227 square kilometers (88 sq mi).
The floral life in the Galičica National Park represents over 1600 species, of which many relicts and endems have the final frontier of their range exactly on the mountain Galicica. There is a characteristic presence of up to now 13 discovered local endemics on the North Macedonian side to be found exclusively on the slopes of Galicica and nowhere else, this illustrates the specifically floristic composition of this mountain. At the moment, the office of the National park and responsible people, are intensively working on the flora of the National Park and there are indications that the number of endems will be even bigger.

Explore tours on Galica

Hiking in Galicica - Magaro Peak
Hiking in Galicica Hiking to the highest point on Galicica mountain, Magaro Peak 2255m above sea level Book This Tour View of whole Ohrid Lake 3-7 hours 1+ people Level: 2 Hiking in Galicica to Magaro Peak, Ohrid One of … Read More
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Via Ferrata in Galicica
Via Ferrata Dobroja Explore first Via Ferrata in Galicica National Park. New adventure in Ohrid region that provides a different way of experiencing the nature and panoramic values of the park. Book This Tour View of whole Ohrid Lake 3-7 … Read More